Notizie Isola di Lussino

  • MareMonada - Carnival boat race

    As part of Lošinj Carnival, on Februray 23. boat race MareMonada will be held in Lošinj. In this, unique way, masks will measure their forces. In this contest, there will be boats of various shapes and sizes, such as surfboards, buoys, those made of barrels and much more. Purpose of this race is not to be first but to have fun and to present innovative masks and boats ideas. ...

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  • Carnival on Lošinj

    This year carnival will start as usual- with the handover of town keys. The carnival will end on Tuesday, February 13, with a carnival parade and the Testament read to the crowd in the local dialect. Testament consists of all the important events trough the past year from the perspective of an ordinary man. Also, on tuesday the puppet that symbolizes the Prince of Carnival is...

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  • Night of the Museums

    The Mali Losinj Museum The Mali Losinj Museum will host the 11th Night of the Museums, dedicated to museum practice in the future. While in the past attention paid primarily to the research of museum materials, today's priority is public education and the strengthening of the social role of the museum. However, at the time of total bombing and (pre) burdening of information,...

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  • Offerta speziale per settembre

    Evitate le folle e approfittate della nostra offerta speciale.  Per un soggiorno di 7 o 14 giorni negli appartamenti che si trovano nella nostra offerta, si ottiene 1-2 giorni prenotati GRATIS!  Risparmiate il proprio denaro ed effettuate subito la vostra prenotazione! L'offerta è valida per mese di settembre.Info:

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  • Offerta speziale - casa Zana

    Per tutti gli amanti della natura che vogliono scoprire la magia dell'isola in inverno, abbiamo un'offerta speciale della casa di Zana. Per soggiorni dal 24 dicembre 2017. fino all'08.01.2018. Vi offriamo  sconto del 20%!  Info:

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