Location: Mali LošinjTime: 19.1. - 13.2.2024.
The carnival madness traditionally started with the handover of town keys. The carnival will end on Tuesday, February 13, with a carnival parade and the Testament read to the crowd in the local dialect, presenting all important events marking the past year in a humorous way and from the perspective of an ordinary man. In the end, the puppet that symbolizes the Prince of Carnival is punished and burned in the bonfire to take away the sins and mischievous behavior displayed throughout the year to the ashes with him.
20 January Maškarani Caffe (Carnival Café), Mali Lošinj, Moby Dick Gelateria, starting at 10:00
Maškarani tanci (Carnival Dances), Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 21:00
21 January Children's Carnival "Nek zabava krene (Let the Fun Begin)", Mali Lošinj,
Guest House Helios, starting at 15:30
27 January Maškarana kroštulijada (carnival festival involving traditional pastry called 'kroštule'), Mali Lošinj, Trg RH, starting at 10:00
Carnival Queen Selection & DJ Gecko, Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 21:00
28 January Children's Carnival "Izbor princa i princeze (Selection of the Prince and Princess", Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 15:30
3 February 10th MareMonada - maškarana morska utrka (carnival sea race), Mali Lošinj, harbour, starting at 10:00
Maškarani tanc (Carnival Dance) "80's & 90's Disco" & DJ Full Ferry, Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 21:00
4 February Children's Carnival "Supertalentići Show", Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 15:30
10 February Balinjerada - carnival race, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH, starting at 13:00
Maškarani tanci (Carnival Dances) & DJ Gecko, Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 21:00
11 February Children's Carnival "Sječji MakenBAL", Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 15:30
13 February Children's Carnival Parade, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH, starting at 10:00
Carnival Parade, Mali Lošinj, Trg RH, starting at 15:00
Maškarani tanc (Carnival Dance) & Night Express, Mali Lošinj, Guest House Helios, starting at 21:00